How I won the lottery when I was 23 years old?
Or I may have been 24 y/o. I don’t know.
I don’t remember. But that’s not the point.
I won the lottery when I bought my first and last ticket for 20 BGN.
That’s right. It cost me 20 BGN (10 EUR).
Don’t you believe me? Keep reading.
One morning, I was traveling to my work with public transport in Sofia (BG).

Then one-stop before my work building…

…I was fined with 20 BGN.
The irony? I had only 20 BGN left in my pocket — my lunch money for the week.

I paid the fine. I was calm. I wasn’t embarrassed. It was what it was.
However, I was deeply troubled by the fact that one week each month, I won’t have the means to buy tickets for the public transport so I can go to work (and that’s the irony, right).

I knew that a salary wouldn’t make me wealthy.
And I knew that my salary shortage left me hungry that day.
But what’s more, it left me “hungry” to this day.
I don’t doubt that it was the luckiest moment of my life.
That day, I won the lottery by buying a bus ticket for 20 BGN.
The lottery I won = my inner grit for never allowing myself to be put in such a position ever again.

That ticket is why I am a free and happy person today, working obsessively on the things I love the most in my life.
It was a pivotal moment in my life.
And whenever I feel like I had enough for the day, I will open my drawer, take a look at the ticket, and get hungry again.

(you didn’t think I really won the lottery, right? but I really won it.)

(What you see is my bus ticket fine, for passengers who travel public transport without tickets, caught by inspectors for passenger control in public transport in Sofia. Yes, 8 10 years later, I still keep that ticket. It’s my lottery ticket.)
This is the story I shared last Sunday, in my weekly newsletter + a couple of tutorials and readings on Marketing, SEO, and business.
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Own your future, Friends!
- Mila