Stash the cash, I am building niche-wise.
I kind of like this line a lot. It represents my hunger for success creating project that are important for me at the present moment.
Fortunately, there is enough money for everyone to earn.
However, I smell three significant problems with the world’s wealth.
The second problem is that wealth is not distributed equally.
The first problem is that we are not born equally (thus the second problem).
The third problem, the biggest of the three, is that most of the population won’t take any action to change the second problem, and thus the first problem stays the same.
Conventional wealth = born wealthy = stay wealthy = money doesn’t change hands.
The new wealth = earn big for yourself = leave legacy = born wealthy (your children), but this time, money changed hands.
So, by solving the third problem - taking action to change the distribution of the world’s money (second problem), we can also solve the first problem, where more people get the chance to live in (more) equally wealthy families.
We will never be equal, but we can re-distribute the world’s wealth so more people can live a better life.
And this is not a dream.
This future can be achieved if more people are willing to work a little extra for their role in this change.
This is my “Why” reason for starting this blog—a story untold cannot be heard.
I am playing my role in this change.
After this brief lyrical intro, I will gladly give you more context into my current work.
What are the projects in progress, my growth strategy, how I plan my work, and the future projects I want to explore.
How Many Niche Websites Do I Have?
Currently, in this category, fall eight niche websites + 1 hobby website (I don’t monetize it).
2022 Update: Currently I have, 3 niche websites with my business partners (investors) [B], and I have 4 personal websites [P].
For privacy reasons, I cannot share the domains for 5 of my website.
However, I’ll give you some details, which should be enough to satisfy your curiosity (for now) and the type of websites I am building.
1) - Marketing Niche [P]
This is my marketing blog, the one you are reading right now.
Its main goal is to cover topics related to all-things marketing that will encourage you to build your niche website or service/product.
I will cover most topics from personal experience rather than research-based and keyword-focused articles.
But aren't we all sick of "Definitive Guides" anyway?
Also, one topic I will cover extensively is how to be a minimalist entrepreneur and its importance for the creator economy.
2022 Update: Since I am a system and productivity freak, I will cover more topics on creating systems for maximum input/output results.
2) - Health Niche [P]
2022 Update: is now I have wanted to do this rebranding for a long time. The main focus is shifting towards helping solopreneurs, busy people, and entrepreneurs stay healthy, sane, and in shape while working crazy hours. I am also on a mission to demonstrate how busy people can shift to slow living while reaping the best results from their careers and living their best life.
It used to have more than 250 articles on supplements. However, I’ve changed a lot and my perception of health and fitness.
I got very deep into minimalism and started practicing minimalist fitness. In March 2020, I was ready to make the pivot.
I removed all of the 250+ articles, and now it has only four articles. Yes, 4. And they are brand new.
I have a lot of work ahead of me, but minimalist fitness is a topic that naturally excites me.
If you want to learn how I started with fitness in general, you may want to read the four articles on my website.
I admit that they reveal some fundamental traits about my personality, and “Learn my past to know my present” is an excellent way to start. You can also read about the benefits of slow living for solopreneurs.
3) Two Websites in Coupons Niche [P]
2022 Update: One of the two websites was hit by Google's Core Update in June 2022. I will write a separate blog post to demonstrate how I handled this problem.
The idea for this websites was born when I was a student, but I had no clue how to build a website back then (and what to do with that website, anyway?).
Instead, I would post my coupon code on aggregate websites for coupons, buy a cheap proxy VPN, and then click like crazy on the upvote button so it can climb the top of the page.
It worked. Years later, I built a website for that coupon (and then another one similar).
The beauty of coupons is that people browse for them when they have already decided to buy a product.
The product is already in their shopping cart, waiting for that coupon to be applied. The ugly side is that the coupon niche is freakingly competitive.
For example, I am competing with one of the best SEO gurus in this niche, and I’ve learned a lot from them (they don't know it).
4) Niche Website in Personal Finance [P]
2022 UPDATE: I don't work on this website, and I don't plan to do any work for now.
Earning my own money excites me a lot; however, if I didn’t have healthy financial hygiene, I wouldn’t have managed to preserve my wealth and invest in building niche websites.
I love reading financial and economics books and am very good at living an enriched but frugal life.
This website covers personal finance topics - such as saving, investing, and minimalist living on a small budget.
Personal finance is a topic I enjoy writing about.
I started this website at the beginning of 2020, so it is a relevantly young website that needs lots of work.
[SOLD in 2020] Niche Website in Musical Instruments (1) [P]
This is a very specific instrument. I believe that my website is the only affiliate website in this niche.
It's the second niche website I've built. I think it is four years old, and it has 50 articles.
I am monetizing this website through the Amazon Affiliate program, and a small portion of the website is monetized through Adsense.
What's specific about this niche website is that the products are highly-priced, and before the COVID-19 cut in affiliate commissions by Amazon, the affiliate rate was 6%. Now it is down to 3%.
One specific problem with this product is that it is often out of stock, especially after the COVID-19 crisis.
There are better programs that stock this product, such as eBay and Walmart; however, I got rejected by both as I don't live in the USA.
Unfortunately, there aren't any programs available for this musical instrument.
I was twice approached for a potential acquisition, mainly because of its specific (premium) domain.
I haven't sold it yet, but I am thinking about it. I am ranking for many keywords with buyers' intent, and at the same time, I am leaving money on the table as products are often out of stock.
Perhaps, someone else with access to eBay's and Walmart's affiliate programs will be able to milk more cash.
[SOLD in 2020] Niche Website in Musical Instruments (2)[P]
This is a relevantly new website in the musical instruments niche.
I think I built it last year (2019).
Again, the affiliation method is the same - mainly Amazon products and some Adsense ads.
Earlier this year, I think in April, its affiliate commission was reduced from 6% to 3%.
The good thing about this instrument is that many affiliate programs are offering 10-20% commissions.
Four or five programs have already contacted me to join their programs.
I haven’t had the time to do so yet. I will definitely test their conversion rate versus Amazon’s.
I don’t think that I will ever ditch Amazon Affiliate Program altogether, as it definitely holds some benefits that other programs can’t offer.
[USED FOR 301] Niche Website in Health and Fitness [P]
2022 Update: This website doesn't exist as I used it for 301 redirect to another website.
This is a different website from
The website covers all-things sports and health.
I’ve bought the domain on auction with a DR (Ahrefs) of 60.
Then I poured like 100 articles, added affiliate products, and now I am waiting to see which silo will fly first so I can focus on that topic.
I prefer doing reverse siloing. I wrote a bit on this topic in my article "Why Startups Should Start with SEO from Day 1."
5) Niche Website in Outdoors [I Send Monthly Updates for This Project][B]
I love this website! It’s a sport I practice used to practice.
2022 Update: Here is a link to the latest update about this website.
The traffic is speeding up quite fast. It is affiliated through Amazon, Adsense, and one additional program, which I won’t mention as it is very specific for the niche.
Yeah, I am very secretive about releasing additional information for my websites.
6) New 2022 Website in Music Niche [B]
I started this website in May 2022. It is built on an expired domain I bought from for $10.
The sub-niche is very specific, and I believe it is underserved. So far, I've uploaded only 16 articles.
I plan to upload 60 articles for the first sub-niche and then build from there.
As of the moment of writing, this website ranks on the second SERP page with most of the articles.
7) New 2022 Website in Tech [B]
I've won the lottery with this domain. It is built on an aged domain from
We've partnered with Odys to demonstrate how anyone can use an aged domain to speed up a website's ranking on SERPs.
This domain has a strong DR of 32 (Ahrefs metric) with a strong backlink profile from Wikipedia, big tech media websites, and .edu websites.
I started uploading articles two weeks ago. So far, I have 20 published articles.
The first article ranked only 6 hours after publishing. Still, most articles appear on pages two and three on the SERPs.
But I love the speed at which the keywords are growing every day.
For this project, I will send monthly updates through my newsletter.

How Do I Plan to Handle the Work for All Websites?
I admit I have a lot of projects and a lot of work. I outsource all articles to different writers with whom I've worked for the past 18 months.
I handle keyword research, article structure creation, uploading, and formatting.
I write the entire content for my personal projects - and
When it comes to the two coupon websites, they are set-and-forget type of websites.
I don't upload new content, don't build links, and don't do social media for them.
This leaves me with five websites that require a handful but doable work for someone like me—I have a solid system consisting of Kanban project management with OKRs mapping and tracking.
I am preparing a massive guide on this system of mine.